Josh and our friend Marie trying to decide if it was a good tree or not.
This had to be some time before the fall.
Jackson had a lot of fun traipsing around the hill even if he did fall a couple of times.
Brian and Marie cutting a smaller tree for some friends of theirs. Don't you love his hat!! Its a Russian hat and he said that it was the warmest had he'd ever had.
The kids found a big pile of dirt to climb and get dirty on, of course!! They had a lot of fun and I'm really glad that one of them didn't fall down it and get hurt.
These are Brian and Marie's two boys. I think this photo turned out really cool!!
DECORATING THE TREE!!!I forgot how long it takes to put the light on the tree!! It takes FOREVER!! And of course Isaac was obsessed with the lights.
Isaac was so excited about the bulbs. And he was so not soft with them. I was afraid that he was going to end up breaking one in his hands but when I'd try to take it away from him he would freak out!! Josh ended up sitting on the couch reading to him to distract him while the rest of us finished decorating.
Notice that the lower third of the tree has no decorations on it. That would be because of my kids!! They can't keep their hands off it. In fact, the other day I came out to find that, some how, the boys had pulled the tree down!! More bulbs have been broken this year than in all of the years we have been married put together!! This year has already been eventful, I wonder what else is going to happen!!