Saturday, May 5, 2012

February and March Randomness

 While we were in Idaho Falls Emma got fancy with her hair.  The funny thing is that some of the hairstyles she comes up with are actually cute.  Don't ask me about the star on the forehead though.  I have no idea. 
 Jules found a little ball at my parents house and freaked out because she loved it so much.  She kept throwing it and laughing.  She also learned how to say doggie (which actually came out as diddy, but she knew what she was talking about) and cheese.  Any time the camera came out she'd automatically say "Cheese". 
 Alex, the kids' cousin, came and stayed with us for a few days while her dad was away on business.  We sure love her.  She and Emma had a lot of fun together. 

 We came home just before Valentines Day which was great.  I got to make our traditional big heart cookies for the kids and try out a new frosting tip in the process. 


          We didn't do much for my birthday because that was the day we traveled down to IF but when we got back Emma made this special little "cake" for me.  
She is such a thoughtful kid.  I sure love her                                                  
Jules decided that she wanted to be pretty too and try out Emma's headband.  Some day she'll figure out the right way to put it on.  I love these pictures though.  The next few are just random ones that I thought were cute.


 So Jaxson stole my camera one day and decided to take a bunch of pictures.  The sad thing is that he broke the camera in the process.  The shutter won't open all the way now.  I didn't really like the camera but at least it worked, until Jaxson got a hold of it. 
 He took about eight pictures of the ladder to the bunk bed.  Seeing as how they're all pretty much the same I figured I'd just post one.

 At least she's happy here.  Most of the time she get stuck under the chairs and starts crying.
 My kids love their little sister.  They all mauled her while she was drinking her bottle. 
 One day while we were eating dinner Jules decided that she wasn't going to eat unless it was from a fork she was holding herself.  Why do I get all the independent ones?  She hasn't done this much since but she has definitely made her will known in other ways.  


Lynda said...

fun pictures! your kids are so cute!

Mom and Dad Bean said...

Two days in a row wha-hoo! Loved seeing your beautiful kids. Mom

frontporchprims said...

Such stinkin cute kids. What's Isaac got on his feet? Are those oven mitts? Ha Ha. how cute. -Steph-