So I put Isaac in my bathtub one morning because one of the other kids was in the other bathtub. He had a tube of mascara and I didn't think anything of it because I didn't think he could get the lid off. Oh, he so can. As you can see he got it EVERY WHERE!! What you can't see is that his little privates are totally black!! Apparently that's what he likes to do in the tub. The sad thing is that this was waterproof mascara and wouldn't just wash off with soap. I had to get a little brush and scrub it off. I tried to do it as soft as I could but it still hurt. I learned my lesson. No more tubes of anything for him. He is just too dang smart!!
Silly boys!!!
We have had such a mild winter here!! It has been FABULOUS!! A couple of weeks ago it even got up in the sixties. Not really warm but wonderful weather for the winter!! We couldn't help but go out and enjoy the sunshine.