Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Baby Girl is Growing Up!!!

I can't believe that Emma is in kindergarten already!!! She has grown up so fast!!! I'll admit, it was a little sad to see her drive off on the bus the first time but it's also so fun to see her having fun experiencing new things. For the longest time I felt like I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know how to get her ready to ride the bus, we were extremely late the night we were supposed to go meet her teacher because I couldn't find my stinking keys, I didn't know if I should take her to school the first day or just let her ride the bus. AHH!! It was a little stressful and I'm sure it was mostly caused by the lack of brain cells I've had since I got pregnant. It all worked out so well though. The day before school started Emma and Josh were able to ride the bus around the loop that it would go to get her used to it and then after listening to advice from my wonderful sister I decide to take her on her first day. I was the only one out of the whole class to take her and get pictures with her that morning and I'm so glad that I did. She is so smart and is going to do so well. Now we just have to get Jaxson started in preschool. I was so glad that Josh was able to share such a fun experience with her. He is such a great dad!!
Going on the trial run the day before school.
I surprised her with this outfit for her first day. I think she looks so cute in it!! I'm not biased though am I.


Kami said...

That's so funny...your last 2 posts are exactly the same posts I was going to do this week.

It looks like you had a fun summer. You are so brave to put Emma on a bus. I am chicken and take Joey everyday. I am probably too protective but oh well.

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful Alisha. I can't believe she is growing up. She has always seemed older to me than she really is because she's so stinking smart. It's fun to have Emma and Emily in kindergarten together.

HG said...

She looks beautiful!!!! When I first met her she was 6 months old! Time flies! Love you Emma!

Marisa said...

What a great idea ... taking Emma to her classroom. I remember on Eliza's first day we were running after the bus. Ha ha ... I should have just taken her in! Hope she is enjoying kindergarten ... I'm sure she is, and I bet you love having one less child in the house too!

Jen said...

Those colors are so good on her- make a note of that! She is getting so big and it's so fun to see her enjoying those fun new adventures in life!

Johnson said...

How exciting!! She looks so cute and so grown up!

Unknown said...

Dinner was so fun tonight!Thanks again! I am glad I found your blog so we can not only be good friends but good blogging friends!:)

Jules said...

She IS adorable. She's such a little firecracker! Watch out world! Here comes Emma!!!! You go girl!!!!

Mom and Dad Bean said...

Oh it is hard to see them grow up. She is such a special one. Hold her close to you.