Thursday, July 9, 2009

Farmers Market Fun

Every Saturday there is a farmers market in a little square in the middle of town. Last year Josh worked on Saturdays so the kids and I would walk to it together. Every Saturday it was the same. We would walk past all the stalls, buy our veggies and fruit and then we would buy a giant cookie and sit on the benches to listen to whatever musical group was playing that day. This year Josh doesn't work on Saturdays so he decided to join us on our outing. I think he enjoyed it. Isaac tried a cookie for the first time and loved it. As you can see from the pictures Jaxson really enjoyed the cookie too.

Emma and Josh had a lot of fun dancing.


Marisa said...

What fun! I wish our famer's market had music. You are such a great mom ... taking your children out by yourself; I'm sure it's nice to have Josh along this time.

Jen said...

Love the dancing daddy- bet he loved it too! We loved that farmers market- when Brooke was little we would have a "color" day- yellow, blue, etc and we would point out all of the things that color and buy one thing if possible. Thanks for brining that memory back!